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来源:西南农业大学学报 【在线投稿】 栏目:期刊导读 时间:2020-11-11
摘要:口∥。。I:I口读 strange quest,traveling on windback to some faraway keep their tryst with their destiny.The wind that through cracks in windows and sent its chill through iS here. ago the the sky in their place to howled i编者

口∥。。I:I口读 strange quest,traveling on windback to some faraway keep their tryst with their destiny.The wind that through cracks in windows and sent its chill through iS here. ago the the sky in their place to howled i编者按: iJack现在江西农业大学任教对这片土地的热爱促使他千里迢;迢从印度来到中国。他很乐意与读i者朋友们交流,他的E-mail地址i是:jackkanoi@hotma¨.com i…-…,·.·.·.…--.。。…·.,.,.‘.’一_·_·.·,_” layers of clothes of those that dared venture out.has nOW given way to a gentle breeze that seems to caress and fondle.It blows like a welcome lover’S scented breath.And.I sit alone on a black gold—flecked benchOf polished granite.The gold in the stone glitters invitingly,beckoning passers—by in the mellow spring sunshine.Around me there are crowds of shoppers at the buxingjie(WalkingStreet),Nanchang’S downtown shopping centre.Thick1ackets and feather—lined winterwear have now been put away,to be brought out when winter comes calling again.Most men are dressed in shirts and trousers while the younger ones in theirT-shirts, some with sleeves and some without.Their colours are vibrant and designs modern.Most women and girls are in their1eans andT-shirts like the young men.Only,their colours are briqhter and designs more fashionable.Some of the more adventurous ones are in shorts or miniskirts.And.they alllook like dancing flowers on tiny springtime stems.The ones in shorts and skirts cover their shapely.cream—coloured legs in dark fishnet stockings andI catch myself wondering what breed of fish they hope to trap in those nets!Young couples walk hand—in—hand.some wearing matchingT—shirtsOf the same design,perhaps, proclaiming to the world,“Stay awav—we belong,each to the other.”A beggar heads in my direction.He looks able—bodied and draws my attention with a“hello”.I ignore him.He shakes his enamelled metal cup from where a crowd of coins screams“gimme more”.I continue to ignore the beggar.his bowl and its motley collection of metallic citizens.He waddles away asI put pen to paper.Passers-by gawk at this miserly“laowai”andI direct my generosity to the words in my pen.嗡爹擀≯隧I am sitting opposite a showroom,“Millennium’SDiamonds”,from within whose portals two salesgirls in sky blue shirts and dark blue ties stare at me.I smile at them and continue writing.They continue staring as if mesmerized by a tanned“waiguoren”.HadI the looks of aBradPitt or aBeckham,I might have o\,州刀∽州》∽喇ZoLI∽工

文章来源:《西南农业大学学报》 网址: http://www.xnnydxxb.cn/qikandaodu/2020/1111/447.html

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